- Executive Board;
- Department of state supervision of preschool, general and extended education institutions;
- Department of state supervision of science and innovation, institutions of higher vocational education, postgraduate education;
- Human resources, legal support department of recognition and equivalence of educational documents on education in foreign countries;
- Evaluation and quality monitoring of education devision;
- Sector of control, office administration and special services;
- Sector of finance and accounting;
- Sector of international relations;
Management scheme of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
- Central office;
- Department of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region;
- Department of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science in Soghd Region;
- Department of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science in Khatlon Region;
- Department of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science in Dushanbe city;
- Unit of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science in Kulob area of Khatlon region;
- Unit of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science in Gissar area;
- Unit of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science in Rasht
- Unit of the Agency for supervision in the field of education and science in Zerafshan valley of Soghd region.