

1. The Agency for supervision in the field of education and science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) is the central executive body of state authority that implements a unified policy of state supervision in the field of education and science of the Republic of Tajikistan and in its activity is accountable to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

2. The Agency in its activities is governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, statutory and regulatory enactments of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as international legal enactments recognized by Tajikistan and present Regulation.

3. The Agency in furtherance of a unified policy of state supervision in the field of education and science, supervises the execution of statutory and regulatory enactments, state educational standards in educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan, the activity of scientific organizations, the effectiveness realization of scientific and technical research, training of specialists and academic personnel, apart from their legal status and departmental subordination, as well as in process of planning, assesses the organization of education/bringing-up  process, the quality level of knowledge of schoolchilden and students, doctoral candidates, training of specialists and other areas of activity of educational institutions.

4. The Agency implements a system of state supervision in the field of education in the form of licensing, a comprehensive assessment of the activities of educational institutions and the sphere, governing body of the sector, state attestation and state accreditation of educational institutions in the field of science through licensing for scientific and pedagogical activities, assessing the attestation of academic figures and (or) scientific -technical employees with the highest category, enforcement of legislative  requirements of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of science and education.


 6. Basic authorities of the Agency:

- supervises the execution of of laws and other statutory and regulatory enactments in the field of education and science in educational, scientific, research institutions, apart from their legal status and departmental subordination;

- put forward a proposal on the system of state supervision in the field of education and science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and  the Executive Office of the Republic of Tajikistan; 

- approves the form of a license for operating control of  learning activity with an attachment, a state accreditation certificate with an attachment, a certificate of recognition and definition of nostrification of academic certificates of foreign countries, and also determines the technical requirements to these documents;

- issues a license to carry out scientific activity and scientific organizations, scientific and (or) scientific and technical subjects;

- conducts state attestation and accreditation of educational institutions;

- upon a decision of advisory convention of the Agency issues a license to educational institutions and scientific organizations;

- on issues relating to its authority in the prescribed manner organizes conferences, seminars and advisory convention, participates in educational and scientific events of international organizations, commissions and forums;

- encourages active employees of the Agency and nominates their candidates for receiving state and industry awards to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the appropriate body;

- when running checks, attestation, accreditation, comprehensive assessment and licensing, mobilizes employees and experts of educational institutions of scientific organizations, as well as ministries and departments that have educational and scientific institutions in their structure;

- controls the compliance of the examination material of the entrance centralized exams with the curriculum and state educational standards used in educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- controls the compliance of the examination material of the entrance centralized exams with the curriculum and state educational standards used in educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education of the Republic of Tajikistan

- within the framework of established activities, creates an advisory council and a diagnostic body (council, commissions, groups);

- evaluates the quality monitoring of education and the rating of educational institutions;

- checks the quality of education in educational institutions and examines it at a meeting of the Agency and provides the result for eliminating deficiencies to educational institutions, founders, ministries and departments that have educational and scientific institutions in their structure;

- determines and recognizes the nostrification of the sample of state education documents obtained in a foreign state, in the prescribed manner and provides the applicable document;

- establishes international cooperation in its activities in prescribed manner;

- organizes refresher course and advanced professional training of the Agency;

- provides a report and information on the results of its activities to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan;

6. The Agency according to assigned tasks:

- in accordance with the established legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, attestation, accreditation, comprehensive assessment and licensing of educational institutions, research institutions, conducts refresher course and advanced professional training, determines their status, and also controls the activities of its institutions in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, regions, Dushanbe city and cities and regions of republican subordination on holding attestation, accreditation, comprehensive assessment and licensing of educational institutions in case of counter conditions and requirements of licensing and statutory and regulatory enactments in the field of education and science decides to prohibit their further activities in the manner prescribed by law;

- controls the portal of information networks of the Internet of educational institutions over order processing, using and preserving educational and scientific materials and the conditions for their installation;

- develops and approves a plan for attestation of educational, research institutions, apart from legal status and departmental subordination, and provides information to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- organizes and conducts test checks, paper work, opinion poll in the process of attestation and quality control of education in educational institutions;

- advises individuals and legal entities on issues relating to the competence of the Agency;

- controls the implementation of programs related to the quality of education and their management;

- establishes the procedure and sets a standard  for the rating of educational institutions, apart from their legal status and departmental subordination;

- having studied the material and technical and educational research  base of higher vocational educational institutions, upon receiving tertiary  education and scientific organizations of the republic, makes a decision on issuing a license for operating control of learning  activity with a degree in  Master’s degree, internship, permanent appointment (residency), postgraduate, postdoctoral studies majoring in  (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - doctor in occupation), postdoctoral and postdoctorate studies and doctor habilitat;

- identifies and prevents cases of non-compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan towards the activity of the Agency;

- provides institutions and departments of the Agency in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, regions, the city of Dushanbe and other regions of the republic with sectoral statutory and regulatory enactments and other information materials;

- safeguards information and other confidential public sector information within the context of its authority;

7. The agency has the following rights to solve problems and perform assigned tasks:

- for the purpose of developing statutory and regulatory enactments, checking, attestation, accreditation, comprehensive assessment and licensing, attracts specialists and experts from educational, research institutions, as well as ministries and departments that have educational, research institutions in their structure;

- in case of detection and violation of the law by employees and ditrectorate of educational, research institutions, sectoral academies and their structures, as well as ministries and departments that have educational, research institutions in their structure, with the view to take measures according to statutory regulations of the Republic Tajikistan, within the limits of its authority, puts forward proposals to the relevant ministries and departments;

- requires from educational, research institutions, sectoral academies and their structures and other ministries and departments that have educational, research institutions in their structure, the necessary materials and documents for monitoring, verification, attestation, accreditation and licensing in line with established by legislation;

- within the framework of its authority, in line with established by legislation, hosts conferences, seminars and consultative meetings, participates in educational and scientific events of international organizations, commissions and forums;

- требует от государственных органов предоставления необходимой информации о проблеме, относящейся к сфере деятельности

- requires of public bodies to provide the necessary information about the problem regarding to the sphere of action;

 - in accordance with the established legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, sets up collection, storage and use of archival materials on the activity of the Agency;


8. The Director manages the Agency, who is appointed and discharged from the post by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

9. The Director of the Agency has 2 deputies, including one first deputy, who are appointed and discharged from the post by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

10. The Director of the Agency:

-  bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Agency and the implementation of the state policy of supervision in the field of education and science;

- controls the activity of the Agency;

- represents the interests of the Agency in the Republic of Tajikistan and foreign countries and makes decisions on issues of its activities in accordance with the established legislation;

- distributes tasks among his/her deputies;

-  in line with the established procedure, appoints and dismisses employees of the central office of the Agency, heads of departments and heads of units of the Agency in the Gorono-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Khatlon and Sughd regions, the city of Dushanbe and regions of the republic, and otherwise in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, applies incentives and takes disciplinary actions;

- approves the job descriptions of civil servants and other employees of the Agency;

- approves the estimate and work schedule of structural subdivisions of the Agency within the framework of the wage fund and the staff numbers approved by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the estimate of their safety within the funds approved for the corresponding period, stipulated in the republican budget;

- provides a report to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- in accordance with the established procedure, develops draft statutory and regulatory enactments on issues related to the authorities of the Agency;

- cancels the decision that contradicts the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, adopted by the structural subdivisions of the Agency, unless a different procedure for their cancellation is established;

- Submits candidate members of the council of the Agency for approval by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

11. The advisory staff of 7 people, headed by the director, is located in the Agency. The advisory staff may include a deputy director by position, heads of departments, heads of units and sectors, as well as representatives of ministries and departments, where the educational institutions and scientific institutes are in their structures.

12. Funding of the central office of the Agency, its departments and units in the Gorono-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, region, the city of Dushanbe and regions of the republic is carried out at the expense of the republican budget, special funds and other funds not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan. The service is provided to the Agency through a single current account of the main department of the central treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan.

13. Special funds of the Agency are formed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan to pay for work performed and public services.


14. The Agency owns, uses and disposes of the assigned property in the prescribed manner and on the terms of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

15. The Agency as a legal entity has its own seal with the image of the State Sign of the Republic of Tajikistan and the consolidation of the name of the Agency in the state language, as well as seals, stamps, appropriate forms, an official website and other periodicals.

16. Full name of the Agency: Agency for supervision in the field of education and science under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

17. Abbreviated name of the Agency: Agency for supervision in the field of education and science.

18. Location of the Agency: Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe city, S. Ayni street 126

19. In case of termination of the activity of the Agency, the issues of transfer, preservation and further use of its documents are resolved in accordance with the statutory and regulatory enactments of the Republic of Tajikistan.

About Agency

The Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe city, Aini avenue 126

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Tel: 225-85-35
Fax: 225-85-35